Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Author Interview and Spotlight Linna Drehmel

1-     What started your writing journey?
I don’t really know. I have always liked to write. Coming up with little story lines and characters have always been fun for me. I can even remember doing it when I was a small child. I would write things down and then have my dolls and stuffed animals act it out.
2-     What inspires you to write?
I am not sure. I just get this feeling or an idea for a story line and I just have to write it down. It all just pops into my head like magic.
3-     Do you write with music or in the quiet?
MUSIC! I have to have my muses, Depeche Mode and Josh Groban *sigh* they sing I write…it’s love.
4-     How have things changed since signing with CH&BB?
Many things. I think the most important thing is that I am no longer dancing alone. I am  a part of a team and really I love it.
5-     We know your busy so when you have down time what do you like to do to relax and get creative?
            D-O-W-N  T-I-M-E??? Hang on let me think…I am not sure if I can remember what down       time is. HAHA! I don’t really have down time. I have to take it. Even though I have a bazillion and one things to do. I go for long walks everyday, and my husband and I also try to go out on dates to the movies and other fun things.
 6- Does your book have any characters from your life? IE are they modeled after friends or family? Oh my goodness yes! I have many characters who are named after friends and family. I have two such friends who have been loyal ‘fans’ that I wrote into the H.E.A.R.T. Saga books
 7- What would you want to come of your books? Do you want people to learn or have release or both? Well both, I have a lot of great messages in them but I also want the reader to have fun reading it, have a good escape.
 8- What advise would you give to future authors young writers of the world?
Oh I am full of advice! Let’s see here…
*always have confidence in your work! For every writer, out there in the world somewhere is a reader.
* Research whatever agency or publisher you are looking into before you sign on the dotted line, be sure that they handle the kind of work that you do or you run the risk of having your work handled by someone who might not respect it. I am so happy to have my work handled by the team at Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly publishing. The love and respect my work.
*When in doubt when it comes to copyright law, contracts or anything legal call an attorney!!!
Thank you for having me on your blog Carly this was fun!
Let your light so shine!
Linna Drehmel
Find me on:

Be sure to check out all of Linnas' links and her soon to be released book from Crushing Hearts & Black Butterfly Publishing!!!!

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